Convert Vmdk To Ovf

Ovftool pathto.vmx newfile.ovf Example C: Program Files VMware VMware OVF Tool If you are getting Error: Failed to open OVF descriptor it is because the path given is not correct.Provide Correct source and destination and start again. C: Program Files VMware VMware OVF Toolovftool C: VM virtualmachine.vmx C: VM virtualmachine.ovf. Enter the hostname, user name (root), and password of the XenServer to convert the OVF package directly to.XenServer: Select Convert to start the conversion process. Converting VMDK Files. Note: XenConvert is designed to convert a single virtual disk from VMDK format at a time. Copy data from all additional drives and partitions to an external.

Converting images from one format to another is generally straightforward.

qemu-img convert: raw, qcow2, qed, vdi, vmdk, vhd¶

Ovftool convert vmdk to ova

The qemu-img convert command can do conversionbetween multiple formats, including qcow2, qed,raw, vdi, vhd, and vmdk.

qemu-img format strings

Image format

Argument to qemu-img

QCOW2 (KVM, Xen)






VDI (VirtualBox)


VHD (Hyper-V)


VMDK (VMware)


This example will convert a raw image file named image.imgto a qcow2 image file.


Run the following command to convert a vmdk image file to a raw image file.

Run the following command to convert a vmdk image file to a qcow2 image file.


The -fformat flag is optional. If omitted, qemu-imgwill try to infer the image format.

When converting an image file with Windows, ensure the virtiodriver is installed.Otherwise, you will get a blue screen when launching the imagedue to lack of the virtio driver.Another option is to set the image properties as below when youupdate the image in the Image service to avoid this issue,but it will reduce virtual machine performance significantly.


VBoxManage: VDI (VirtualBox) to raw¶

Convert Vmdk To Ovf Convert

Convert vhd to vmdk vmware

How To Convert Vmdk To Ovf

If you’ve created a VDI image using VirtualBox, you can convertit to raw format using the VBoxManage command-line toolthat ships with VirtualBox. On Mac OS X, and Linux, VirtualBoxstores images by default in the ~/VirtualBoxVMs/ directory.The following example creates a raw image in the current directoryfrom a VirtualBox VDI image.